Professional AI Business Plan Generator

Write your business plan in minutes, not days

Use our AI business plan generator to craft a professional business plan for starting a new business, seeking funding, launching products or services, or entering new markets.

2,460+ AI business plans already created

How it works

Four steps to Your Business Plan

Our AI Business Plan Generator efficiently creates a customized, professional business plan for you in less than 15 minutes.

Professional AI Business Plan Generator


Functional Highlights

Discover the core functionalities of our service, from intuitive in-browser editing to flexible AI regeneration and convenient export options, all designed to streamline your business plan creation.

Business plan generator editor

In-Browser Editing

Edit and format your ai generated business plan directly in your browser with a user-friendly WYSIWYG interface.

Business plan generator editor

Section Updates

Easily update any section by providing specific details or prompts, like adding a sentence about desired investments.

Business plan generator editor

Lifetime Access

Enjoy lifetime access to your business plan, allowing you to make unlimited changes and updates at any time, ensuring your plan evolves with your business.

Business plan generator PDF

Export Options

Conveniently export your completed business plan to PDF or Word formats for easy sharing and presentation.

Table of contents

Your Business Plan's Table of Contents

Upon generating your business plan, you will receive detailed sections covering everything from your Executive Summary to Financial Projections, providing a complete and insightful overview of your business strategy.

Executive summary
A brief overview of your business, including mission, leadership, and financial highlights.
Business description
A snapshot of your business, including industry, history, and future prospects.
Market research and analysis
Analysis of target market, trends, and competition + SWOT analysis
Organizational structure and management
Details of business structure and management team roles.
Products or services
Overview of what your business offers and how it's produced.
Marketing and sales strategy
Brief strategy for marketing and selling your products or services.
Operations Plan
Outline of daily business operations, logistics, and facilities.
Financial plan
Financial projections, including key financial statements and analysis, such as Sales Forecast, Profit and Loss Forecast, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet.
Risk analysis
Identification of potential risks and strategies to mitigate them.

Client testimonials

What clients say about their Business Plans

“What a great program. It really came up with so in-depth information and gives a great starting point. With just a few information inputs and some pictures this will be fantastic business plan. Very easy to use and very quick, it would have taken me hours to write something like this. Excellent!”

Jay McGhee, Bar Side, USA

“This plan is well articulated, the fact that I can edit it makes BizPlanner to be much better than option, also the customer service interaction is worth an applaud.”

Moffat Dingalo, R&D, Botswana

“I've spent many hours building a business plan for a proposal and your product will improve on the existing work. Next time I shall start with your plan and then tailor it to my needs which will save a lot of time!”

Joakim, Owner "Bälans Pilates Studio", UK

“At first, I thought this tool will be just like ChatGPT result. But then, it surprise me. The Information is very complete and almost 100% correct like how exactly my business work. I wonder how this is work considering the information that I provide is very little. The fact that I also can edit it directly through the web is very good. Bizplanner save my money and my time for sure. That would be so cool if there is also pre-template that I can choose for cover of the file, but beside that, I wish I knew this tool earlier.”

Tri Utomo, Trivenly, Indonesia

“Just used your bizplanner! Nice job! Great tool. Tons of value for $10.”

Brandon Towner, CEO Faver, USA

“This is just perfect.”

Golden Moreme, Director of Poultry farm, South Africa

“Simplemente espectacular, felicidades.”

David Rollon Muñoz, Fundación Altem, Spain

Examples & Templates

Business plan examples

Explore examples created with our AI Business Plan Generator. These are real outputs from our service, showcasing the depth and personalization achievable for your own plan. Click 'See more business plan templates' for additional examples.


Professional business plan for
10x less than hiring a consultant

Business plans on Fiverr can cost $90 or more. Our offer at just $9.99 delivers great value, making quality business planning affordable.

AI business plan generator pricing


/ business plan

Get your Business Plan
Lifetime Access
Done in under 15 minutes
Edit with ease using a Notion-like editor
Export to Word or PDF

Need more than one business plan?

If you need to generate multiple business plans, we offer discounted packages for 3 or 10 plans.

Get a discounted package


Frequently asked questions

Is payment secured?
Yes, your payment is secure. We use Lemon Squeezy for processing payments, ensuring a safe and reliable transaction environment. We do not store any of your credit card information, prioritizing your privacy and security throughout the payment process.
How can I contact you if I encounter issues?
You can always reach out to us through the contact form or via in-app chat. Our support team will get in touch with you as soon as possible to assist with any issues you may encounter.
Why is BizPlanner AI not a free business plan generator?
To ensure the highest quality, BizPlanner AI utilizes advanced, professionally developed AI models that require a subscription. These paid models enable us to generate comprehensive and customized business plans tailored to your specific needs. This investment in premium technology is why BizPlanner AI is not a free business plan generator. Our commitment to quality and precision in planning supports your business's success.
Can I generate an AI business plan in 15 minutes?
Yes, you can generate an AI business plan in 15 minutes or less. However, in rare instances when there are issues with the OpenAI API, the process might take slightly longer. Rest assured, we strive to ensure a quick and efficient service for all our users.

From the blog

Introducing the Free Business Name Generator

Introducing the Free Business Name Generator

Choosing a great name is one of the most critical steps when starting a business. A strong, memorable name can make a significant impact, attracting customers and setting the tone for your brand's identity. That's why we've launched our Free Business Name Generator at BizPlanner AI, making it easier than ever to find the perfect name for your business.

New Features: Manual Save and AI Text Rewrite

New Features: Manual Save and AI Text Rewrite

At Bizplanner AI, we’re always listening to your feedback and looking for ways to improve our AI business plan generator. This month, we’re excited to announce two new features designed to enhance your user experience and give you more control over your business plans.